
NeuroGym logo - purple

Brain Training and Life Coaching

NeuroGym was founded by John Assaraf in 2010. Since inception NeuroGym training, coaching programmes and resources have helped over a million people break free from the limiting beliefs and sabotaging habits that were stopping them from achieving their dreams.

The NeuroGym programmes and products are all based on the latest neuroscience and neuropsychology research created with the help of a worldwide team of doctors, scientists and experts in the fields of neuroscience and personal and business development.

NeuroGym’s flagship products – Winning the Game of Money, Winning the Game of Weight Loss, and Winning the Game of Fear – all include powerful brain training audios called InnercisesTM.

InnercisesTM are proven mental and emotional exercises and daily practices to train your subconscious mind and strengthen your ability to master your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

I am privileged to be an independent NeuroGym Partner, as well as having been one of their longstanding clients since March 2018.

You will find a superb selection of current NeuroGym programmes listed below …

Winning The Game of Weight Loss

Learn How To Retrain Your Brain And Free Yourself from the Self-Doubt, Fear And Lack Of Confidence That Is Holding You Back From Successfully Losing Weight.

Learn scientifically proven methods to set and achieve your weight loss goals by retraining your mind to develop the right mindset, beliefs and behaviours for weight loss success and many other benefits to being in control of your emotions, your self-worth, your habits, your decisions.

This is your chance to learn how to finally release the weight and keep it off, regain your self-esteem and confidence and set yourself up for a lifetime of health and vitality.

Click here to register for the on demand training today.

"I am healthy, I am healed, I feel great, I am full of energy now." 
#LoveYourBody ~ NeuroGym


The BrainAThon is a free online event where world renowned brain science and success experts reveal how the latest brain science breakthroughs, findings and discoveries can help you upgrade your brain and upgrade your income, so that you can achieve all of your personal and financial goals.

Click here to register for the next screening of the latest international BrainAThon hosted by John Assaraf and featuring experts in the fields of Psychology and Brain Research.

BRAINATHON - WTGM - Social_10 - Most people are just trained to focus in on the negative chatter - Mark R Waldman quote - April 2019 - via - BrainAThon. Success. Brain. BrainTraining

Winning The Game of Money

The BrainAThon features the NeuroGym brain training and coaching programme called “Winning The Game of Money”, which is helping many to bring order, happiness and success to their lives.

Winning The Game of Money is the world’s first scientifically backed, evidence-based brain imprinting program to quickly install a NEW “Mindset of the Rich” within 90 Days… So You Can Achieve Your Financial Goals FAST.

WTGM - Twitter_27 - Level up your self esteem and self worth - John Assaraf quote - April 2019 - via NeuroGym Affiliate. Self-Worth. Personal Growth. Personal Development. Self-Esteem.

How to Rewire Your Brain For Financial Success

The most successful people in history have harnessed the brain’s natural ability to change and have used it to develop a particular mindset, a way of thinking that naturally leads to success. With recent discoveries like neuroplasticity, scientists have found ways to make this process dramatically faster and easier.

John Assaraf, CEO of NeuroGym, has devoted a huge portion of his life to answering the question “How do you adopt the mindset of a highly successful person and use it to achieve extraordinary success?”

If you’re interested in the answer to this question, you’re going to love what he’s found out.  [click to register here]


How to Manage Fear and Uncertainty in Tough Times

Winning The Game of Fear

In the Winning The Game of Fear masterclass, you will learn to apply the latest brain based methods to uncover and overcome your hidden unconscious Fears that are keeping you stuck from achieving your Financial & Life’s Goals and Dreams.

With this programme, you will learn to overcome debilitating fears, emotions, doubts, anxieties, stress or worries. You will develop unstoppable confidence and the beliefs and habits to quickly achieve your goals and live the life you deserve. Plus many bonuses.

3 Keys To Eliminating Procrastination

Winning The Game of Procrastination

Learn proven, science-based methods to eliminate procrastination once and for all so you can take action, reclaim control, and achieve lasting change.

Click here to join this exclusive, on-demand training where you will learn the 3-step formula to overcome procrastination with proven brain science.

John Assaraf quote. "Chamge The Belief and The Thinking Changes..."

National Geographic cover - The New Science of the Brain - via internet

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